by raptors hackaton
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bug hunters challenge
Organized and designed by
Hackathon Raptors 2024
29.11 — 02.12
qa bug hunters challenge winners
Project: qahack24
Bugs Found: 25
Points: 87.3
Prize: $600
1st Place Winner

Team: Open Community
Project: TheBugExtractor
Bugs Found: 24
Points: 87.0
Prize: $400
2nd Place Winner

Team: ClulessCoder
Project: Bug_Hunters_SpaschenkoRG
Bugs Found: 25
Points: 86.8
Prize: $400
3rd Place Winner

Team: Regina_S
Project: QA-Bug-Hunter-jr
Bugs Found: 24
Points: 86.0
Prize: $250
4th Place Winner

team: onchain.jr
Project: qahack
Bugs Found: 24
Points: 82.1
Prize: $150
5th Place Winner

Team: doingmybest
Thank you to
all participants for an
unforgettable hackathon experience!
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